Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 5

I think I might be in love with the McDougall plan! This morning when I weighed myself, I'd lost 5 pounds! That's exciting! AND, the food has been wonderful!
For breakfast yesterday morning I had a whole wheat tortilla with honey. I know, I know, honey isn't vegan. I'm horrible, but I couldn't find agave nectar for cheap enough, so honey it is. For lunch I had a burrito made with an Ezekiel 4:9 tortilla with black beans, corn, salsa, romaine lettuce and spinach with a glass of delicious, fresh apple, spinach, carrot juice. And for dinner I had cheezy risotto with corn and broccoli. It was very yummy (although I added too much onion). Here's the
recipe for the risotto. I just steamed the broccoli and had frozen corn that I popped in the microwave. Hubby liked it too, but munchkin wouldn't eat it. She doesn't like anything cheezy though so she had a non-vegan dinner.

Everything has been tasty, although I must admit I'm craving chocolate. I've found a few recipes, I'm going to try one this weekend I think. I'll post anything if I find something wonderful! :)

Happy Eating!

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