Thursday, July 16, 2009

6 "healthiest foods"...according to some.

Yahoo! had an article titled "6 Healthiest Foods You Aren't Eating" so I clicked on it and read the article like any good nutritionally aware person would do. (Here's the link if you want to see it
Scallops? Ok, maybe...Dark Meat?! Really? We should be eating more turkey? ONLY a 1/3 of the fat is bad for you. What? Come on people. Why should I be eating more turkey of any kind? It makes you feel full longer. OK, so do whole grains. It makes me so angry to read articles that suggest that we as a nation need to eat more MEAT! I think we eat enough meat. How about we stop eating the animals and end suffering?
Sorry - I just needed to rant.

What do YOU think we need to eat more of? Or less of?

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